Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello, Parker

YES! We finally decided on your name! Parker Gray Saunders. Your name is perfect, Parker derives from your Great Gpa Saunders middle name "Park", Gray derives from PAPA Gray's last name, and of course you are stuck with Saunders naturally! The past few weeks have been amazing (aside from all my puking STILL) We got to see you in HD I was really worried that you would be gross looking, and you were a little creepy but it is AMAZING the technology, we can see exactly what you look like. At this point you still are developing features so it is hard to say whos side of the family you look exactly like, but I think you have daddy's mouth for sure BIG OL' LIPS I can't wait to meet your cute self in a few more months! Daddy and I started getting rooms moved around so we can start getting your stuff in place! You are growing so big, as I can tell by my belly growing I swear every day. Your movements are getting bigger too, I am lucky if I can feel you from the outside at this point, it is kind of disturbing to me, but I LOVE that it means you're healthy in there, daddy hasn't felt you yet ( I think he is scared to.) Well I am supposed to be cleaning my office to get it ready to move down the hall to make room for your stuff!

How far along: 6 months today!
Maternity clothes:  I can't WAIT for spring to start so the cuter clothes will be out!
Stretch marks: Well I already had some, and yes I am already seeing some new red ones, I don't even care honestly I will never flaunt my tummy to the world so it doesn't matter to me.  
Sleep: Sleep isn't coming very easy at night, as soon as I am comfortable I have to roll to my other side. 
Best moment this week: This week wasn't anything exceptional, but nothing to gripe about either
Miss anything: Not really.
Morning sickness: On and off, this past week has been particiularly bad, lots of vomiting, but not as many headaches. 
Movement: Yes, you LOVED daddy playing his trumpet, you started kicking the hardest you've kicked.
Symptoms: Nausea of course.
Food cravings: Nothing much really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: ANYTHING IN A TO GO BOX. Especially in the car, and the smell of some food cooking, smell of brown sugar, and who knows what, sometimes just picking up laundry, or anything off the floor
Have you started to show yet: Definitely, but not enough for random people to ask about your due date.
Gender prediction: Boy
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been pretty normal I think
Looking forward to: Having the house organized, new carpet, sod and moving the wall in the living room!

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