Monday, August 19, 2013

Well Worth the Wait

Today you are 2months old, I can't believe how incredibly fast time has gone by recently. You were born June 19th 2013 at 7:11pm. You have brought so much joy and blessings to our life already! Since the last blog I wrote you, I obviously gave birth to you, which was a very hard long labor. On 6/18/13 I saw my OB and she stripped my membranes, daddy and I went to watch the new Superman movie, I felt contractions off and on, but they weren't regular yet, we went walking at the park then I came home and bounced on a yoga ball ( I REAAAALLY wanted you out) I decided to go to bed about 9pm and sure enough as I was falling asleep I started getting contractions on the regular, I waited and waited for them to get closer, at about 8am the next morning they were finally about 5 mins apart and I decided to go in at 11am just to see if you were on your way. After arriving to the hospital they checked me out and said I was only dilated to a 2...a stinking 2, but my contractions were worsening so I asked for some medication to take the edge off so they decided to admit me. Around 3pm I was finally at 6.5cm and had been for about 2 hours, I couldn't take contractions anymore so I settled on getting an epidural; thank goodness. After the epidural everything until pushing was smooooothhh sailing. My water broke on its own and I didn't have to have any other intervention. About 6:15pm the nurse said I could do some practice pushing because I was fully dilated and the OB would be on her way, I pushed one time and your heart plummeted right along side my blood pressure,  they told me to STOP! I rested until the OB got there, she was letting me try to push out but you just were NOT coming out ( I believe you were stuck behind my pelvic bone) she had to get forceps and the vacuum to assist you out, after about 20 sets of 3 pushes she told me I had ONE more set and if you didn't come out I was going to have an emergency C-section, thankfully you came out on the LAST push of the LAST set. On your grand entrance I ended up with 3rd degree tearing and had to be stitched by the surgeon and the OB for 45 mins straight. The moment I held you was amazing, you were and are absolutely perfect you were so tiny 6lbs 7oz and 19in ,as of your last dr appt last week you were 9lbs 1 oz 22.25in long, you are small but so big to daddy and I. I love watching you grow. We brought you home from the hospital and had a rough first few nights being sleep deprived and all. Your dad is such a blessing to me, I was roughly recovering and he took amazing care of both of us for several weeks, he was completely natural with you and beyond amazing! You two are currently laying on the bed snoring away next to me. You have to undergo surgery soon to correct a penial torsion you have and to have your circumcisio, I am really not looking forward to it. Since you were born I had to also have a surgery to have my gallbladder removed, I guess it is very common for women to have gallstone attacks after pregnancy, the pain is VERY comparable to labor, I am glad I had the surgery done, that was another few days daddy really stepped up and took amazing care of use. You are a daddy's boy through and through, I wont be surprised when "Da.Da" ends up being your first words, you smile at him constantly and have been smiling at him for several week, Grandma Gray says she can't get over how interactive you are with us at such a young age.We can tell you love us, and we LOVE you! We are now awaiting the arrival of cousin Eli, he should be here anyday, we all think you two will be the same size when he comes out. I am all over the place on this post but I am tired,and not because you make me sleep deprived you are actually a really good sleeper, you know our routine 9pm you get a rice bottle and are out by 10:30 (most every night) and wake up around 4 am (some nights) eat a bottle and fall right back to sleep until 7ish then daddy gets up with you, you eat and fall right back to sleep with me in bed until about 10am, so not much complaint on the sleep end here. Well I guess I should go get you swaddled (which you love by the way) and tucked all in to your cradle so we all can be sleeping. I love you little man, you have changed my entire world and I wouldn't change that for anything.

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